Professor of Evolutionary Systems Biology and Environmental Omics
School of Biosciences and Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Science and AI
Deputy Director of CERJ, the Centre for Environmental Research and Justice
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom
Alan Turing Fellow, Alan Turing Institute for data science and artificial intelligence, UK
Guest Professor at Robust Nature, Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany
Founder and CEO of Daphne Water Solutions Limited (www.dwsol.co.uk)
Founder and CTO of EnviSion BioSequencing and BioComputing
Niamh Eastwood

Impact of environmental pollution on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Muhammad Abdullahi

Impact of emerging pollutants and sustainable biotechnologies
Sam Benkwitz-Bedofrd
Data analyst supporting research in multi-omics and biodiversity
Arron Watson

PhD student NERC (CASE)
eDNA and AI improve biodiversity monitoring and forecasting
Abubakar Umar

PhD student Petroleum Technology Development Funds
Impact of microplastics on freshwater and sustainable biotechnologies
Nooshin Marvasti

Environmental solutions for water bioremediation and waste management
Stephen Kissane

EnviSion and molecular lab manager
Specialized in liquid handling robotics and molecular biology
Florian Gigl

PhD student shared with the University of Frankfurt
Resurrection ecotoxicology
Tayebeh Soltani
PhD student
Mixture toxicology on the sentinel species Daphnia

Marianne Barnard

Daphnia facility manager
Daphnia and ecotoxicology. Management
Erin Jarvis

Daphnia facility technician
Daphnia toxicology and behaviour
Caroline Sewell
Daphnia facility technician
Daphnia husbandry and laboratory maintenance
Former group members
Hollie Marshall

Former PhD student and collaborator
Epigenetics and selection
Maria Cuenca Cambronero

Former PhD Student and collabroator
Decoding the mechanisms of adaptive evolution to anthropogenic stress in the keystone species Daphnia magna
Anurag Chaturvedi

Marie Curie Fellow (former)
Population and functional genomics